
hidden tracks, edits and dj-mixes as well as useless but interesting gossip, dedicated to the last four decades of house and disco music. keep the fire burning...


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

DiKSO Podcast 13 - Magnier [House Of Disco]

Just another Summer Of Love...

As you may have noticed already, we at Dikso headquarters are totally in love with The House Of Disco, David Magnier's label for the future in house and disco. To fill the summer with some love Dikso and The House Of Disco created a label-mash-up-compilation called House Of Dikso that topped the charts at Junodownload and was also pretty successful on all the other platforms like Beatport and Traxsource. But this was not their first collaboration, Daniel and Andi's disco house roller "Seventh" was also released under the House Of Disco banner and can still be found in Beatport's Nu-Disco top 100 (for almost 2 months and counting...).

Now, here is the return visit: Magnier on Dikso. Have fun with 60 minutes of pure bliss he sent over the channel to Berlin, and now from Berlin right into your hearts. Tracklisting is still shut away, only MI5 knows!


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