hidden tracks, edits and dj-mixes as well as useless but interesting gossip, dedicated to the last four decades of house and disco music. keep the fire burning...
1979 - Video Killed The Radio Star. Radio programmes are for senior citizens, the future is music television.
2011 - Music television is just a shadow of it's former self. In Germany MTV turned pay TV and its sister Viva exchanged the music videos with daily soaps and other stuff for general pubescent interest. Radio Killed The Video Star?
I know wide areas in Germany where you can scrap your radio, nobody needs this boring Top 40 shit or "the best of 80s, 90s and from today". I hope that the people of my hometown Berlin can estimate the value of their high quality variety of different radio stations they have. One of these stations is "Fritz". And one of their hosts is André Langenfeld.
Starting his radio career right after the fall of the wall with a hip hop show on DT64, the legendary legacy of GDR youth radio, you can hear him now on Berlin's Radio Fritz with his 'Nightflight' show that features an intersting and wide range from nu-disco to house, from dubstep to electo. new stuff as well as classic stuff. Every friday night (to saturday) from 0:00 to 5:00 AM or for the following 7 days on: http://fritz.kunden.nc3.de/fritz.samstag.1.pls
Here we have DiKSO podcast #10 and it's a re-recording of a mix André played at the opening night of a new club in the heart of Kreuzberg called "Gretchen".
The last Dikso... for 2011... with an intercontinental selection: Social Disco Club from Portugal, Kitano (aka Andy Hart) from Australia, soho808 feat. Lydia Caesar from NYC and Satin Jackets from Germany.
...and for the very first time with individual video art for every single track:
A1 / Social Disco Club – You Got To Stay / TT 06:40
Yes, Dikso got him. After they have laid the baits out for such a long time, Humberto Matias from Portugal went finally on it and delivers a totally weird style bastard that defines disco house in a complete new way: House is not adopting disco anymore, disco is adopting house. Welcome to the Social Disco Club.
- DJ Ionik from Traveller / Kojak Giant Sounds: "Personally the best Dikso 12" yet - a true 4-tracker with not a filler in sight. 'You Got To Stay' will blow people away " - Huxley: "Social disco club is big! will definitely be playing that." - ShirKhan from Exploited Records: "The Social Disco Club Track is always in my box. Interesting marriage of UK Garage Bass-Sounds meets Disco. Love it."
A2 / Kitano – For The King / TT 07:10
A track like a fairytale. Imagine a proud father that sends his most beautiful daughter to the king’s castle. Her whole life, her education, everything has been arranged for the king. Surely the speaker in Kitano’s track means something totally different but the story could have been so so nice… At least as nice as the track.
- Ali Ooft: "Feeling the Kitano joint the most, thats some lo-slung biz right there! Dikso keeps on rolling!" - Chris Lattner: "For the king is awesome!!!!!! a real killer!" - Homework: "Especially Kitano's For The King is our cup of tea. That special Dikso flavor, as always."
Bootsy, fasten your seatbelts, soho808 are back. After they led Dikso with “Get Up Disco” from Super Sound Single #4 to their first feature on a Fabric longplayer ever, here is the follow up. More funk than disco and lots more catchy than ever, Nathaniel and Dave teamed up with this so great chanteuse called Lydia Caesar and created a high potential dancefloor filler for all the ladies. The boys will follow.for sure!
- Daniel from Trickski: "Another great package once again!" and Yannick added: "Only burners!!!! you dikso guys are really growing stronger with every release! soho 808 is my fave here. thanks!" - Larse: "Hard to pick a fav, think it's the soho808 jam!! Boogie Oogiee" - Sasse: "Turning into a Soho808 fan, nice dirty groove going on here again, will play !"
B2 / Satin Jackets – Girl, Forever / TT 07:25
As always Dikso keeps the B2 position for the pearls. Satin Jackets tried to put as much romance as possible in every single sound, even in the name of the track. Don’t call it kitschy, this is the perfect first aid against all the dark feelings, depressions and cold days that we will have to survive the next months in the northern hemisphere. Pure love!
- Craig Smith from 6th Borough Project: "Loving all the cuts, hard to pick a fave, probably Satin Jackets on initial listens." - Dirt Crew: "Big up for the Satin Jackets groove ! smooth as hell :)" - Kiko Navarro: "Loving the first chords on Satin Jackets, loving how they develope the track, very nice surprise to close the EP. Thanks a lot!"
As you may have noticed, Dikso likes to cross the boundaries of good taste from time to time. And if we love a rework of a cheesy nineties dance anthem, we will release it.
We have never received so many reactions on a release as on Manolo's "Night Rhythm". More than 10.000 plays on Roberto's soundcloud really impressed us. Most of them were thrilled but some people were rather irritated. Phonica reviewed it in their online-store like that: "This love-it-or-hate-it track..." and "a less tacky version of a guilty pleasure or the proof that nu-disco has become the new funky house....answers on a postcard!" Guys, we looove to entertain you... :-)
Fortunately, chartings and massive airplay from Tensnake, Jody Wisternoff, Ooft!, Chopstick & Johnjon, Jacques Renault, Marc Poppcke and DFA's Justin Miller showed that there are people out there who share our strange sense of humour. Also a million thanks to André Langenfeld and Shir-Khan from Radio Fritz and Larse from Einslive for their great support. And Tensnake for promoting it on his facebook page which generated more than 150 likes within 24 hours...
And here is the unavoidable hall of fame:
- Tensnake: "Brilliant!" - Soul Clap: "Can't wait to see the crowd reaction!" - The Revenge: "Dubs for me..." - Daniel from Trickski: "Fun, fun, fun!" and Yannick added: "Hugh release [...] will play both versions" - Chopstick: "I love Dikso! Been playing all the releases so far!!!" and Johnjon added: "HOLY SHIT! [...] The Solar & de Luxe Remix will find its place in a lot of our sets!" - Guy from Sleazy Beats: "Not so keen on the vocal mixes but both dubs will destroy dancefloors I reckon." and Kris added: "I honestly can't get into the vocal cuts because they really remind me of that awful uber pop dance track that played non-stop on the radio in the 80s (or 90s?). Will give the dubs some action though!" - Ali Ooft: "Gotta be Andi & Daniels Dub mix for me. Big track." - Francis Inferno Orchestra: "Absolutely fantastic, 10/10 the whole package is A+++" - Catzn Dogz: "Fantastic release!!" - Till von Sein: "Damn.. the vocal sucks.. biiiig time! but the dubs are cool" - Jody Wisternoff from Way Out West: "Will be hammering this till the cows come home :)" - Danny Howells: "Been DYING to get my hands on this groovy little f***er!!" - Alex Niggemann: "Nice musix for a special moment!" - Dirt Crew: "This is Amazing!!! good times all over" - Jef K. "Waaaa yes yes cant believe u guys did this!!! LOOOL this is great music by the wayy... full support!!!" - David August: "Cool!" - KRL: "Yes!! guaranteed party smasher, going straight in the [...] bag for this weekend." - Kiko Navarro: "First reaction was an smile on my face [...] this one is thousand times better than the original. Now its a bit special situation to play this mix even the work is excellent because of the vox, depende where and how can be a bit too..." - Mike from Kolour Recordings: "What a great package and potential for record of 2011! go go go" - Social Disco Club: "Sounds like a hit.." - Jacques Renault: "Oh hell yes. [...] Great release, I'll be playing this for sure." - Pional: "Amazing!" - soho808: "Love the old school pianos and vibes!" - DJ Harri: "Liking this, especially daniel solar mixes" - Homework: "Loving the original and dub. Charting this right away." - Soul Minority: "Instant smile on your face!" - Salvatore Freda: "Wow! didn't expect to that one.... very like the dub version!!!" - Autodeep: "Crossing over 70's disco and 80's chicago vibes with 90's trash vocals? YESSSSSSSS :D Right up our alley!" - Toomy Disco: "Amazing vibes! 10/10 keep doin' this." - DJ Ionik from Kojak Giant Sounds: "Bravo! [...] if this thing doesn t get the party going you re most likely playing to a bunch of Perussuomalaiset. 10/10." - Sleazy McQueen: "This is ridiculously top notch material." - Scope aka Southwestseven: "RR Vocal mix for me.. BOMB!" - Show B.: "Well yeah... that's an anthem right there." - Satin Jackets: "Oooooooooohhhhh... I am getting ze goosebumps! Vonderfullllll :D" - Andres Bela from Raw Cutz: "Really like this release! All The tracks works for me." - Mario Aureo: "Awesome!" - David from House Of Disco: "This is one will remain in my favourites for the forseeable future"
This was fun. Next... DIKSO008 with tracks from Social Disco Club, Kitano aka Andy Hart, soho808 and Satin Jackets. Watch out...
Manolo is Roberto Rodriguez and Roberto Rodriguez is Manolo. Dikso is pleased as punch to present you thee highlight of the livesets that Roberto played over the last months at different festivals and club events. It is the closing track “Night Rhythm” that already gained highly interest on every social media platform around. The wait is over, here it is.
A1 - Night Rhythm
Love, love, love...
A2 - Night Rhythm (Daniel Solar & Andi de Luxe Remix)
Less love, more pressure, Dikso treatment galore!
B1 - Night Rhythm (Dub)
Less vocals, more love...
B2 - Night Rhythm (Daniel Solar & Andi de Luxe Dub)
Well, our first artist EP gained some great comments. This is an excerpt...
- Craig Smith from 6th Borough Project: "Loving all the tracks/mixes on this." - Daniel from Trickski: "Dope release, once again. All four tracks are cool." - Benji from Permanent Vacation: "Love love love the Pional remix" - John Talabot: "Great Package, Pional is on fire :)" - Guy from Sleazy Beats: "Nice work guys [...] vintage deephouse, love it" and Kris added: "Phenomenal release by the quality crew over at Dikso [...] Many plays from camp sleaze" - Tornado Wallace: "Nice tunes indeed [...] Aniya sounds adorable" - André Lodemann: "Walk in the park (original and Revenge mix) for me" - Chopstick: "I fucking love this label!!!" and Johnjon added: "Daniel on point ... once again!" - Ali Ooft: "Diggin' the original and Revenge mixes" - LTJ Xperience: "Cool stuff, really hot !!!!" - Catz n Dogz: "Awesome !! Full support !!" - Alex Niggemann: "Full Support! Great EP" - Simon Baker: "Revenge remix rocking it for me here. Full support." - Social Disco Club: "Right on time for summer! yes, really diggin all the tracks" - Kiko Navarro: "Excellent new release from Dikso honcho Daniel Solar. Really like A Walk In The Park" - James Johnston: "Yet another solid package from Dikso and a great EP from the mighty DS!" - Toomy Disco: "10*10 one of the best pieces of the year." - Justin from Kolour Recordings: "[...] an EP packed with solid choices and moods. This will get a ton of play from me." and Mike W. added: "This is by far my favorite side to Daniel Solar's musical repertoire." - Scope: "Another fantastic release by Daniel Solar. All 4 will be getting plays from me!" - Larse: "Strong release again! A Walk in the Park (Original) gets my ass up!" - Cottam: "My fav has to be the Pional remix, just love the way it chuggs along. Will support and play for sure!!" - Dead Rose Music Company: "Love everything!!" - Homework: "Digging The Revenge remix. Will play!" - DJ Harri: "Liking all of these...." - DJ Ionik from Kojak Giant Sounds: "Deep & dubby [...] Dikso rules." - Autodeep: "What a great package!"
...and not to forget the chartings from Duff Disco, Jacques Renault, Audio Soul Project and a recommendation from Juno in their "Juno Recommends Deep House" section.
After five Super Sound Singles here is Dikso's very first artist EP and of course it will be Daniel Solar's job to do the kick-off. His Retrospect EP features the most zippy stuff Dikso has released so far without being an ordinary house record. The percussion is minimalistically filigree, the atmosphere is fluffy and Aniya's voice on "Can You Really Know" comes direct from outer space... er... down under.
DIKSO 006 A1 - Daniel Solar - A Walk In The Park
Summer, sunshine, a picnic basket full of delicious food and wine and someone to share a walk in the park. Sounds cheesy? Yes, you are right... but remember that every park has its dark corners.
DIKSO 006 A2 - Daniel Solar feat. Aniya Ouu - Can You Really Know
Daniel teamed up with Aniya Ouu, the grand lady of "Melbourne Deepcast", a blog from a few down under brothers and sisters in spirit. Intercontinental and interblogospheric, interdisciplinary and... (fill in a word of your choice that begins with inter)
DIKSO 006 B1 - Daniel Solar - A Walk In The Park (The Revenge Remix)
Thee role model of Deepslowmonudiscoeditchicagoacidwhateverhouse. After finishing two longplayers earlier this year he spent some time to refine Daniel's track. The original shines through but everything is a little bit deeper, darker, stronger. It's still a walk in the park, but imagine the voices of owls and some undefinable dark shadows instead of wine, women & song.
DIKSO 006 B2 - Daniel Solar - A Walk In The Park (Pional Remix)
We still have his brilliant EP for Permanet Vacation in our ears and synapses and now he is here with a stirring remix for prime times and big rooms. The boys from Dikso borrowed Pional, probably Spains best kept secret, from John Talabot's Hivern Discs camp who delivers a real monster of a track. John, they have promised to give him back, later... someday... somehow...
Ladies and gentlemen - The Dikso spring collection...
Winter is over, no more depressions, no more shitty weather. The new Dikso Super Sound Single Volume 5 is all about spring fever. Love from London, Amsterdam and Dortmund and even more love from the Dikso headquarter in Berlin.
A1 / Duff Disco - I Won't Forget
London must be a lovely place these days. Duff Disco carries along dozens of shy "Oooohs" and "Aaaahs", bouncing together with a hint of a 303 on a fluffy cloud of chords. Sounds cheesy to you? It's the spring, stupid...
We Play aka WeedyLeaks aka Win Those aka Lo Galbo aka FFFFFF aka E-The-Hot aka Joxy Music aka Dani Bembibre aka webQueawry... STOPP!!! webQueawry? Yes, the guys that brought us "Searching", so so great in 2010 and now back with a worthy sequel. They teamed up with Mam from Leeds who did an awesome remix work on their track. Sounds french but is Amsterdamn hot!!!
Radio gaga? Not if you listen to the right station. Einslive is one of Germany's biggest radio stations and Larse is the host of its weekly dance show called "Klubbing". "So Much Fun" fits perfect in his show - a catchy piece of Electro Funk, bubbling over with joy - just like the title implies.
He is the other half of Dikso. As his better known label buddy Daniel Solar is very busy these days with the final preparations for his first artist EP on Dikso, Andi seizes the opportunity to present his very own definition of a minimalistic disco-edit that builds and builds and builds...
And again we got some great reactions. This is what they say...
- Tensnake: "Excellent! Dikso never do wrong. Loving this !" - Soul Clap: "Biggin up the man dem MAM! Push that sound to infinity!" - Trickski: "Superb package once again! My faves are Boobsie Collins (not to be mixed up with Pill Collins) and So much fun. respect!" (editor's note: "All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.") - Craig Smith from 6th Borough Project: "Quality package , again!" - Sleazy Beats: "Another killer package guys, heavy!" - John Talabot: "Andi Deluxe one is my FAV for sure :) Nice job guys!!!" - Ali Ooft: "Boobsie Collins! Great track, great name :)" - Duff Disco: "Duff Disco sucks :)" - Catz n Dogz: "Another amazing release!! Love u guys!" - Pional: "Great! Really great tracks!" - The Dead Rose Music Company: "Andi your track is fucking hot!!!!! This is so up my strasse!!" - Alex Niggemann: "Full Suppport!!!!" - Till von Sein: "That We Play jam is cool.. thx Boobsie jam solid as wellgood ep again!" - Sasse: "So much fun is a great party tune - will play !!" - Soul Minority: "Awesome EP, all tracks are really really GOOD!" - LTJ Xperience: "Nice EP !! I will play it for sure !" - Cottam: "Looking forward to the wax!!!!!" - James Johnston: "Real nice mix as always! My fav track is the Duff Disco number.... Beautiful lush vibes!" - Justin from Kolour Recordings: "Another nice release from the Dikso camp! Cheers!" and Mike W. added: "Yeah you gotta be kidding right? what another great release from the always reliable dikso imprint." - Social Disco Club: "Jeremy's track is awsome!" - Kiko Navarro: "Duff Disco is a nice deep trip on a slow tempo, We Play a dancefloor impact on a Daft Punk style, Larse gets into a more funky and some italo influences, and finally Andi de Luxe drops the tempo to close the ep with a brillian track. Muchas Gracias!" - Toomy Disco: "Neverending beats! Keep doing this music from the soul!" - Cole Medina: "Diggin the Boobsie collins track! Others are ok, interesting mix of tunes...." - Autodeep "Yay, defo the summer release :) Fresh and funky all the way" - Matthew Kyle aka NoRequests: "Duff Disco's "I Won't Forget" is the stand-out track for me. Will play and chart for sure." - DJ Harri from Sub Club: "Liking all of these" - Dicky Trisco: "You can count me in!!" - DJ Ionik from Kojak Giant Sounds: ""I Won t Forget" is my pick, will support 100%. Keep it up." - Sleazy McQueen: "These sound good, I'll likely play all of them." - Huxley: "Boobsie Collins is a bomb!" - Scope from Southwestseven: "very nice 4 track ep.. definetly something on here for everyone." - Andy Hart from Melbourne Deepcast: "Nice release guys, Duff Disco's track is that good!" - Cosmic Boogie: "Duffo disco does it again for me" - D-Pulse: "congrats with new release!" - Noodleman: "Really like all 4 tracks, but Duff's "I won't forget" is definitey my personal pick" - John Gazoo: "Nice Rollers! Positive Vibes for Summer Time. Dig it..." - Johann Brandes from Native Rush / 4Lux: "Dope shitlove all 4" - Mario Aureo: "Andi de Luxe - Boobsie Collins is a bomb!" - G. Digger from Wordandsound: "101% Pure Groove!" - Chasing Kurt from Carry On: "So much Fun with this EP!!!!" - Golden Fleece "Another Great package will get lots of use from all tracks." - Delfonic from Oye Records: "Wieder mal ein sehr schönes Release auf Dikso!" - André Langenfeld from Radio Fritz: "Ich bin mit Larse und Andi dabei" - Feodor AllRight from AMDJS: "DIKSO005 is the one to play! Count us in the full support." - Alex G. from House FM London: "Loving the Disko releases! Andi de Luxe is very groovy" - SloMo Radio Glasgow: "Ace package again!"
Wie ihr den Klatschspalten der Tagespresse vielleicht schon entnommen habt, gibt die "Dead Rose Music Company" heute Abend zusammen mit uns ein Gastspiel in der Kleinen Reise. Er ist das allererste Mal zu Gast in Berlin und freut sich schon tierisch auf den Abend oder ich zitiere aus einem Posting auf seiner Facebook-Seite...
"Looking forward to this gig like a fat kid at the all you can eat buffet counter"
Dem ist nicht hinzuzufügen, bis später. Hier nochmal die Details im einzelnen...
Einlass 20h / Party ab 22h / freier Eintritt bis 24h - danach schmale 5 Euro
Running Order:
· 22:00h - 02:30h / Buggy [de:bug] · 02:30h - 05:00h / The Dead Rose Music Company · 05:00h - 07:00h / Die Dikso Boys
Elias, just Elias. Short, catchy and cut right to the chase. Like name like music...
Podcast number nine comes from Thessaloniki, Greece and brings us a wonderful mix of cool slowed down deep and dirty house stuff, some classic disco edits and right at the beginning an update for the coolest gal of contemporary r&b music - Aaliyah.
I am sure you know this typical shirt that you can buy in almost every shop that is selling souvenirs and other useless stuff those who stayed at home never asked for, it has writings like this: "My mom went to podunk town and all I got was this lousy shirt". They are as useless as slide shows or videos from culture travels or thousands of sickening facebook greetings from a place that seems so much better than your rainy home.
But a few people does it better, they carry things home that are really interesting, some experiences that can broaden your mind, new and different views and sometimes they just bring music. Marc Poppcke, one of Dikso's midwifes, is travelling a lot these days and some months ago he was invited to play at Thessaloniki's Bar Elvis, a nice venue with nice people and even nicer music. Elias is one of the residents at Bar Elvis and Marc was so impressed that he did not talked about the nice weather in Greece or the girls he met, he talked about Elias. And about Elias and about Elias.
To understand Marc's enthusiasm and why I have bursted with curiosity just listen to these 60 minutes and let us grab you... and wow you!
2011 kann kommen. Unsere Dikso Super Sound Single Vol. 4 mit Tracks von OOFT!, Autodeep, Daniel Solar und soho808 steht jetzt ganz frisch in den Läden, das digitale Tochterlabel ist in Planung und viele Tracks, Edits und Remixes sind in Arbeit.
Und wer arbeiten kann, kann auch feiern, hat der Großvater immer gesagt. Oder war's andersrum? Egal. Mit Session Victim lässt sich immer gut feiern. Wer einmal gemeinsam mit ihnen im Rahmen ihrer legendären Retreat Nächte das Edelweiß auf links gedreht hat, weiß Bescheid...
· Session Victim (Retreat, Wolf Music) · Daniel Solar (Sleazy Beats, Undertones, Dikso) · Andi de Luxe (Dikso, Barbarella)
OUT OUT OUT... we are so so happy to announce our fourth little baby, Super Sound Single Volume 4 with four new tracks to warm your heart, kick your ass, shake your hips and perhaps all in one.
Welcome Ali OOFT!, the producer of maybe the best MJ edit ever, who delivers all but disco and edits. Welcome Autodeep from our home town Hannover who were teaming up with the former NY Broadway musical actor Robb Morris. Welcome soho808, not from the Broadway but from NYC, with their vinyl debut and... Welcome my good friend and Dikso partner Daniel Solar. A1: OOFT! - Hit For Six
Hypnotic slowmo builder with a nice junoesque analog feel that builds and builds and builds. Quality work from Glasgow's Ali Ooft, bosom buddy of The Revenge and label manager of Foto Recordings and L.E.S.S. Recordings.
Hannover's Autodeep teaming up with falsetto voice Romorri from Cologne for something deep and slinky that will attract the girls and some boys as well. And sometimes a 303 is able to add what words can't express. Erotic stuff...
Dikso goes peak time! Driving disco house from Dikso landlord Daniel Solar. Nice vocal breaks and smooth filter action for ultimate dancefloor pleasure, BAM!
- Tensnake: "Amazing record, full support!" - Craig Smith from 6th Borough Project: "Solid package, all cuts work for me. To be honest every ep 's been a winner for me." - Jimpster: "Loving the sound of the Soho808 track." - Ali Ooft: "Yet another really strong selection! The Autodeep & Romorri track is super dope!" - Tornado Wallace: "Great EP. Liking all four tracks. Favourite being Daniel Solar's." - Guy from Sleazybeats: "Nice going guys, another great release. Daniel's track is the pick of the bunch for me" and Monsieur Monod added: "Roar! Dikso strikes again, another smashing release guys, congrats. I'm all over Daniel's tune here, but also am feeling the Autodeep & Romorri cut" - Daniel from Trickski: "Make you mine: Pure Sleazyness... Sweet! OOFT with more BOOOM... superb package as always!" - Justin from Kolour Recordings: "Where do I start! OOFT start things off with a slow building, hypnotic workout full of layers perfect to tease even the most seasoned disco warrior. Daniel continues showing why he is fast becoming a rising star in the world of things funky with a very proper sliced up piece of work. But I saved perhaps the best for last..... and thank you for introducing me to something new in soho808! What a beautiful track and easily the standout of the EP for me! It has the blend of tempo, sultry vocals, and lush chords that make me wanna smile every time I listen. Another fine piece of work from the Dikso camp!" and Mike added: "By now, dikso's quality is a forgone conclusion and dikso004 just reinforces that notion once again. you literally can't go wrong with any single cut on here but for me personally." - Jozif": Holy Cow!!!These are absolute killers-Babys Tears in immense!!! - Social Disco Club: "Great EP, dig all the tracks." - Catz n Dogz: "Thanks great record, my fav is def the B side !!" - LTJ Xperience: "Thanks for another top DIKSO release! Great stuff as always!" - Nicholas: "This release is huge!" - Toomy Disco: "Keep growing and growing!... the 4 tracks are fully playable! Another big bomb from Dikso trademark. Peace." - Alex Niggemann: "Awesome release again! Full Support" - Duff Disco: "Sweet ass groove on make you mine!" - James Johnston: "Superb EP! Great mix of tracks...HOT!! The one for me is the AliOOFT! track...my kinda groove!!...but I'd definitely find a place to play all of them....top work again Dikso!!" - DJ Ionik from Kojak Giant Sounds: "Dikso camp bringing their usual; a quality four-tracker with solid options to choose from to set the floor off. Much props." - Cottam: "Another great 4 tracker, great work guys." - Cole Medina: "Daniel Solar's mix is probably my fav" - Dicky Trisco: "Liking the sound of Get Up Disco on this one. Will support." - Noodleman: "This is A MUST ep for anyone who want's to get a taste of a real modern house is." - Huxley: "Really nice ep here. Daniel's and the soho808 tracks are the best for me. But the whole release oozes quality." - Andy Hart: "Full of soul :) OOFT! is pretty serious though!" - Alkalino: "Another fine piece of vinyl, Autodeep & Soho are my favs!"
Here are some shops where you can order your personal copy...
Back to the roots, the roots of today's dance music and a way of appreciating it in the right way. To be honest, Daniel and me are part of the digital zeitgeist for years now, but I really, really like those people who are able to present good music in its purest form: two Mk-IIs, some pieces of holy wax and a lot of love and devotion for the soul in all of that.
Carina Ramos is one of those DJs that are able to do this, to her audience of scotish homies as well as at countless venues in the UK. Her musical role models were the godfathers of house and disco, Larry Levan, David Mancuso or Danny Krivit, to name only a few of her heroes You can discover these influences in every single of these 64 minutes full of soulful late seventies and early eighties disco mixed up with some nice edits and updates of that sound. Get ready for the soul in the soul...